Saturday, May 17, 2008

The Surgery is Finally Done

Glory to God, the surgery is finally done.

After waiting the evening Leanne phoned me at about 9:00 last night as she was going in. The operation didn't start until around 10:00 or so and took a few hours.

I received word last night, around 2:30 am, that it was completed successfully and she's doing fairly well. I'm not exactly sure how lucid she is, as she's on a morphine drip, I'll find out today I guess.

So they took the piece of her intestine, about 10 cm I understand, with the appendix attached. They found 3 more strictures which they expanded, kind of like a balloon I guess, that's how it was described to me.

She also had the cyst on her ovary removed and, thank God, they didn't have to damage the ovary to remove it.

I understand tomorrow will probably be the most difficult day, as that's when the pain will be most intense.

She's still in the Foothills, but has moved now to the 10th floor, room 1071, bed 2. She told me that she didn't really want visitors the first day, I doubt she's going to be good company anyhow. But please do drop by sometime a bit later if you are able. She would really appreciate it.

You can give her a call on her cell, 650-3205, as she usually has it on her.

Thank you all for your support, love, and prayers. She has been very encouraged by them all.

I will update as she requests me to.


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