Friday, June 6, 2008

More pictures!

Okay so I'm just really bored today... here are more old pictures documenting this wonderful world of Crohn's! This picture actually really scares me now when I look at it. This is from August '07 when Kyle and I went on a hike, and when I weighed about 115 lbs. I can't believe how emaciated I got- no wonder some of my coworkers wondered if I was developing an eating disorder!
This one is in Feb. '07. If you look kinda carefully, you can see four reddish bumps in a row on my shin- this is erythema nodosa. It's an inflammation of the fat cells in the skin, so I understand, and is one of the systemic symptoms of Crohn's. These ones all popped up at the same time on a homegroup trip after I got out of a really, really hot hottub, and took a month or so to go away.
This one is from December '06, and it shows my swollen and painful foot and ankle. This was the very first sign something was seriously not right with my health, and started the whole process of diagnosis.
And just for comparison's sake, another really old ugly picture of me to prove I used to be a lot bigger!! This picture's from summer '05. Some of my newer coworkers don't believe me that I used to weigh 180 lbs- there's the proof! I can't blame them though, if they've only known me when I've been ill (based on that scary first picture up there!).

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